Thursday, September 23, 2021

Feeling Autumn

We're charging the hill, friends, like second grade Forest Kids!!! 


Parent/teacher conferences are coming up! We will offer them in person unless any parent would prefer an online conference. Mark your calendars now for October 18 and 19. We'll get those logistics figured out soon. 


All teaching faculty have the opportunity to attend CEA convention in person this year! The convention will be held at Grand Rapids Christian on Thursday and Friday, October 21 and 22! I can't wait to grow with you during these learning days! 


Please note your grade level collaboration times: 

Report Cards

WHAAAAT?!?! Yep. We're blazing our way through quarter one already. Report cards will go home on Friday, October 15! Take a peek at these dates so there are no surprises upcoming ;) 

Discovery Night

We're already in kahoots to plan our Discovery Nights. Please take a peek at this document. Click on the school tab at the bottom to see how you served last year. If this works with your calendar, let's mark it in, please. If you need to make a change, please let me know! 


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Walk a thon JOY

Wasn't it a JOY to come together with ALL of the elementary and middle school kids and celebrate our supportive community? Thank you for making the trek over to the track! Go Maroons!!! 

Data Meeting

Almost everyone has completed those NWEA MAP tests! 🙌  Emily and Angie, would you please kick a convenient time for you to meet and talk about our learners? Let's start talking about progress and intervention plans! 

Collaboration Days

They're coming:

Continuing Education

Just a reminder for you, if you are interested in receiving some financial support for coursework you are pursuing, please complete this form. The deadline has passed but this year is all about grace periods. The grace period is OPEN! 

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Beauty in Rhythm

We're starting to find a beautiful rhythm, friends! It was a bit of a bumpy start with the mask mandate being imposed so last minute before the year launched, but we're finding our rhythm and this is a beautiful thing! We've been entrusted with loving our children, developing their skills and helping them understand the grace given and love overflowing of our Good, Good Father! THAT is what you are faithfully providing every day! Thank you for this faithful work, friends! 

Security Questions

Saugatuck Public Schools had an incident in their high school parking lot two weeks ago. There was an attempted abduction of a high school student. At the end of this past week, a vehicle of similar description was in the high school parking lot near the tennis courts and a man exposed himself to a high school student from HC. You may notice an increase in police presence around the high school. Some parents received a notification from Saugatuck Public Schools that stated an HC student was also the victim of an attempted abduction. This piece is not accurate. There is nothing required of you other than feel free to pass parent questions on to me. The vehicle in question is an older model white Ford Explorer. If you see a questionable car around Forest School, don't hesitate to call Rob Westfall at 616-593-1277

Data Meetings

We're going to hold data meetings to talk about each of our students. To ensure students do not "fall through the cracks" we will talk about the progress each child is making. We'll take a look at each child's running record as well as their MAP data. Emily and Angie, is it possible to input the running record score for each child on these data sheets, please? Once these scores are in, let's arrange a time to talk about progress and interventions to help our budding skills. 

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Rest from your Labor

Matthew 11 rings true a bit after this start to our school year! "Come to me all who labor and are weary. I will give you rest." It's a long Labor Day weekend. You have served well and faithfully these past few weeks. We've had a plethora of emotions. Thank you for your faithfulness, your smiles and your willingness to choose to see the big picture! Rest well this weekend, my friends! Cooler temps and brighter days are ahead! 

Walk a thon

Our walk a thon packets have gone out. Your only responsibility at this point is to remember to collect the envelopes from children on the 10th. Hold the afternoon of the 15th open. We'll be bussed for our annual fun at the track that afternoon! 


I will spend the day in the Forest on Tuesday!!! WooHoo!! That is a rare treat! My hope is to collect names from you of children whose parents have told them they should not wear a mask. That's not my favorite reason to spend the day in the Forest. But we'll get through this together. I had many good conversations with Rose Park parents on Wednesday and every one of the conversations resulted in increased understanding and renewed trust. We are also starting a task force for stakesholders from throughout HC and including the spectrum of perspectives. We hope to learn together for the sake of our children and make recommendations to the school board as we navigate COVID related protocols. We already have some Forest friends from both perspectives volunteering to serve with this group! I'm SO grateful for our gracious community who LOVES their children passionately and desires to serve God with their best! 

Summer Glow

My dear friends. We have made it to summertime. I don't know how to adequately share my deep gratitude for your service this year. As we...