Friday, April 29, 2022

Another New Teacher!

New Teacher

Rachel Hucul will be introduced in our next blog post as well:

I graduated from Saginaw Valley State University with a BA in Elementary Ed and an Early Childhood Endorsement. I have taught preschool, kindergarten and first grade. I am passionate about innovation in education and launched Nature-Based Kindergarten in Midland, Michigan before joining the Outdoor Discovery Network Team to start multiple nature-based preschools. I have always been compelled to serve young children and their families. I believe strongly that God has designed children as capable and whole people that should be honored for their individual gifts. Serving God at Holland Christian provides me with the opportunity to work on a team to design an educational experience that is centered with a  relationship with God, His creation and each other. The ultimate learning experience!


I am married to my high school sweetheart, Josh and we have three children; Harper (8), Easton (5) and Summer (10 months). I enjoy spending time with my family, wandering in the Michigan seasons, camping, and running. It is in my quiet moments running that God and I share in some of my most favorite conversations.

In this season of life, 2 Corinthians 5: 7, “For we walk by faith, not by sight” is at the center of my journey. I am eager to walk alongside children to learn, play and serve God. Together, we will learn how experiencing God’s creation ,the forest, will  provide us with the ultimate opportunity to be guided by God. I am incredibly grateful for the trust and opportunity to teach at Holland Christian's Forest School!

Adaptive Schools

I will be at the ISD all day on Monday and Tuesday of next week engaging in learning organized by Doug Greer for the full instructional team. Katie Clausing will be serving as principal in my place. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me as I may or may not be checking my phone under the table ;)

Quarter 4 Running Records

  • Running Record Expectations ** see THIS DOCUMENT

    • The level that you are putting into the Q4 data spreadsheet is a student’s INDEPENDENT LEVEL and this is the same running record that you will hand in to me which will then be passed along to next year’s teacher.

    • If you have been putting INSTRUCTIONAL LEVELS on your progress reports to parents, you can just continue that for the last report card–the reason for this is that if you have not communicated to your parents the difference between the instructional and independent level, then just putting the independent level could make them panic as it will most likely be lower than the instructional level.  We will also review this next year as well and discuss what we want to report on our progress reports in terms of students and their reading progress.

MAP Testing

The final week of MAP testing and Delta Math opens the week of May 9. 

Help Available

We are planning an 8th grade service day for June 1st and in the past have sent some 8th graders to assist in each of your buildings. This has ranged from helping art teachers get their rooms clean to sorting books in libraries, and much more. In the past there have also been specific teachers who appreciated 8th graders doing some cleaning, organizing, or purging in their classrooms. If your elementary students and teachers will be out of the building that day some have also left lists for the 8th graders. We would love to bless your buildings and staff members on this day! Students typically present in your buildings from approximately 10am - 1:30pm, and will bring a lunch with them. I will be moving between buildings to check on students periodically, and we always do our best to send trustworthy and motivated individuals!

If you have any interest in welcoming 8th graders on June 1st please let me know by Friday!

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Summer Glow

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