Friday, November 18, 2022

1000s of Thank Yous!

Oh man! What a celebration we were blessed to participate in on Thursday! Thank you for your brainstorming, creativity, suggestions and all the work that it took to pull this off! We'll reflect a bit on what went well and what we can improve on for next year, but WOW! Such joy for our first attempted 1000 Hour Day in the Forest! If you have a chance to see a parent board team member (especially Meghan Sawdon and Erica Engbers) they were very much a big part of the machine behind this special coordination! Please feel free to lavish them with thanks! 

Forest Family in 2018

Forest Family in 2022....I'm so grateful YOU'RE here!!! 


Ginny gave us a few copies of her books: 1000 Hours Outside Activity Book and 1000 Hours Outside! I'm eager for you to read them when you have time and then pass them along to others! I'll start the copies in kindergarten on Monday and we'll move up the grade levels as you finish! What a GIFT the Yurich family is to our program! Abundantly generous! 

Art From The Heart

Our friend and local artist Carolyn Stich sent an email of gratitude sharing that the artwork our students contributed last year helped raise more than $600 for Kids Food Basket. Food insecurities for children in our area is sky rocketing along with our rising food prices. Would you be willing to offer this project to your class again this month? Carolyn would be so grateful for the help in sharing artwork from local artists: our students. Details are on the attached flyer. Thank you for considering this project that allows our children to use their gifts in a way that will impact hungry children in our community. I believe THIS is one of the most important 'whys' to Christian Education. Why do we grow and expand on the gifts and talents God blesses us each with uniquely? That we might bring the love and grace of Christ to this hurting world. That we might be a bit of shalom from God to the many places of chaos. I will collect any art pieces you accrue The details are below: 

Radio Stars

Our kindergarteners were interviewed recently and are set to hit the airwaves! Please inform parents that Moody Radio, 89.3 FM, will air our children on the following dates/times. 

We’ll be airing my interview with your students & highlighting Rose Parks on Wednesday, November 30 and Forest on January 4 at 6:35, 7:35 & 8:35am during Perry & Shawna Mornings on 89.3 Moody Radio. Please let all your students and their families know so they can tune in to hear their kids & friends!

Please include in your classroom blogs

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 30 from 4:30 - 8:00. You are invited to The Maroon and White Shop’s First annual Mocha and Merch Christmas Open House!  Come stroll along Main Street at HCHS while sipping provided hot chocolate and coffee, listening to Christmas Carols played by members of the HC Jazz Band and start your Christmas shopping!  We will have the latest HC gear to purchase!  Every purchase directly supports the Special Olympics Unified Sports program at the high school.  It’s an event you won’t want to miss!

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Summer Glow

My dear friends. We have made it to summertime. I don't know how to adequately share my deep gratitude for your service this year. As we...