Thursday, August 20, 2020

It's Nearly GO Time!

Have I ever been more excited and least ready for a school year? I think not! Man oh mister, you guys, I'm so grateful to be on this journey into the school year with every single one of you! God is going to do GREAT things with our faithful work! Let's do this, team! 


Summer is officially behind us. I have led you by modeling a little "squishiness" with wearing my mask. I will commit to following the language in the executive order. Adults are to wear masks while in a school building. When we eat in the staff center, let's keep the mask on our chin in order to be compliant. I know masks are a flashpoint and they are nobody's favorite. Nobody's. But we will model obedience and respect for others. Let's mask up, friends! I will too! 😷😍

Cleaning Protocol

You will have a cleaning kit delivered soon if you haven't already. The above link teaches the cleaning details and use for the items provided. Thank you! 

Staff Meeting

Let's meet in Emily's room tomorrow at 9:00 for our staff meeting. We'll chew through a lot and share a lot. I don't think we'll need until noon, however. See you tomorrow! 

Outdoor Learning Lessons

Here is the mini unit provided for us by Bob Wandel! Many helpful lessons and tips in here to keep children safely engaged in outdoor learning! 

This Just In!!! (There's going to be a lot of that this year I suspect) 

Parents can attend an outdoor class gathering/chapel if the total number gathering including teachers is under 100 and all are socially distanced. Outside volunteers can come 1 at a time to hep with outdoor education if that is necessary for physical safety! They will be called chaperones and must provide the background check provided at our office prior to the trip. They should try their best to remain socially distanced as well. Teachers should keep a log of chaperones including date, time, place and students they were with. 

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Summer Glow

My dear friends. We have made it to summertime. I don't know how to adequately share my deep gratitude for your service this year. As we...