Thursday, September 3, 2020


Have you ever trained for an athletic event? If you’ve participated in a training program of any sort you’re likely familiar with the concept that resting your muscles is just as important as straining and training your muscles. During the rest day muscles reform and rebuild stronger and more efficiently than they were performing prior to the rest period. Once rested and rebuilt, muscles are ready to push into the workload required and will perform with even more strength and condition.

I was out for a jog (slowly) this weekend and thought with appreciation about how God designed us for rhythms in life. There are times we encounter challenges in life. Times such as these can bring with them anxiety and stress. But we also find ourselves coming together as a community in these times, offering creativity, solutions, hard work and faith. Together we rise to the challenge and serve God in new and strong ways. Sometimes performing in ways we didn’t know we had in us! We lean on our community and find ourselves woven together even more tightly than perhaps we might have been had we not encountered the challenge.

But then there’s the needed rest. A time for rejuvenation and restoration. A time for our heart and faith to rebuild and deepen. A time to rest in our Lord’s goodness and faithfulness. A wise mentor of mine, Mr. Bruce Hekman, calls these important periods of life “margins”. Margins are critical to successful living and servanthood as we work to advance God’s mission here on earth. Sometimes margins come with the rhythm of the work week other times we have to intentionally carve them out.

The next two weeks at school are a bit shorter. We have Friday and Monday with no school. On Labor Day we celebrate and thank so many who labor to bring us safe and enriching communities. We have a long way to go with the work that lies before us, but the upcoming margin from the work is good. Your children and you deserve a rest from the work. Anticipating this school year has been like none other. There have been many good questions, anxieties and adjustments. This has been a challenging time. The best answer to all of the wonderings has been to launch this school year and behold our children smiling, growing, fostering friendships, beginning to bond with their teacher and worshipping our good, good Father together.

I pray during this extended weekend you will be able to come away and rest awhile with your family. Taste together the goodness of our Father. Allow your spirit to be strengthened in the rest. Allow God to rebuild the muscles of your faith. May God bless you with peace and health in these important margins of life.

Fire Drill 

On September 10 at 8:40. I'll be there and will run this with Rob's help :) K just walks to the K area. 1st grade walks to the 1st grade area. 2nd grade....wanna walk to the stump circle area? 


Would you like me to contact the goat lady? Would you prefer to leave well enough alone? I happy to help but also happy to let this one pass if we have enough life going on in class right now! 

MAP dates

September 8-25 is our testing window. Please don't hesitate to reach out to Thea or me for support or trouble shooting (I actually have no qualifications to be on that short list for help but I can FIND you some help or step in and sub while you run for the hills!) 

Data Sheets 

Are updated for the new year in the google drive for running record scores. We'll refer to these scores for our data meetings to ensure our readers are tracking along. 

Seating Chart

From Megan at admin: I will need you to collect all seating charts from your teachers in each of their classes. Again, I know this is a big ask, but if/when the time comes, it will make contact tracing significantly easier. I have created a folder in Google Drive for each building to upload these files: . Feel free to create your own folders within if it's easier to organize.

GRS dates 

Oct 15 & 16 for first grade “Peter Rabbit”

                Jan 27-29 for second grade “Stone Soup”

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