Thursday, October 15, 2020

Big Blog

Grand Rapids Symphony Concert!

We have been awarded the partnership with the Grand Rapids Symphony this year as an Artist in Residence school. Our links for the first concert are LIVE today! Please access them here. You may view the concert by navigating to this link. I've been informed the concert link is live until October 20! When prompted our passcode is GRSPeterRabbit2020


The activities coordinator at Rest Haven shared some sorrowful news with us. The residents at Rest Haven are struggling with feelings of isolation due to COVID restrictions. Actually, their death rate has increased significantly and she believes this is in part due to the emotional toll of no visitors. She has asked if students could decorate their placemats for a bit of cheer and love during mealtime. I hope you approve that I said "YES! We can help!" There is a box of paper placemats in the office. If your class has time, could you please grab a few placemats and ask your kids to decorate them with bright colors and love-filled text? Please bring them back to the office by next Wednesday, Oct 21, and I will deliver them to her. Thank you! 

Opportunity to Consider?

Good morning! I hope your year is off to a great start!  I know navigating a pandemic is not something anyone expected to tackle in their lifetime!  My name is Sydney Del Valle and I’m the Program Intern for Kids’ Food Basket. I wanted to reach out today to see if you would be interested in participating in any activities we have going on this month for Kids’ Food Basket. One major activity going on right now is our Brown Bag Decorating.  The month of October at Kids’ Food Basket is focused on collecting decorated brown bags that are the “touch of love” we send out to all students receiving meals from us. Our goal this year is to collect 100,000 decorated bags by October 23rd! If interested, we could do a zoom call where we can read a book, discuss helping your community, and talk about decorating brown bags for us.  Of course this isn’t necessary for participating, but I wanted to offer it in case anyone was interested.  Ideally, we would love if you could donate the bags you are going to decorate for us, but if this isn’t an option, I can try to get some for you.  We typically ask for the slightly larger bags, usually considered 6 or 8 pound bags, which can be purchased at places like Gordon Food Service.


Another opportunity for students to support their local community is through a food drive to help support the Ottawa and Allegan Kids’ Food Basket.  We have a wishlist food drive where individuals could just purchase the items on the list and after a set amount of time, you could either deliver them to the Ottawa+Allegan Kids’ Food Basket location, or we could schedule a time to pick those items up. 

Collaboration Days 

...are coming up! Please take a look here at our schedule.  

Discovery In The Forest

November 7 at 11:00 we'll be inviting prospective families into our learning spaces for one hour. Please put a placeholder in your calendar Ron, Emily and Angie. I'll give you the low down on Friday. 

Chapel Schedule

First Grade! Your turn! :) 

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Summer Glow

My dear friends. We have made it to summertime. I don't know how to adequately share my deep gratitude for your service this year. As we...