Friday, May 28, 2021

Final Tid Bits

See that bright thing around the corner, friends? Do you know what that is? That's summertime staring us right in the face! We're almost there! Thank you for putting one hand over the other, day by day, and serving God alone! The winds certainly have blown. You have remained steadfast and faithful. You have shielded our little ones from the storm the best you were able. They have flourished in your care! You brought your A+ game and you are probably tired! Can I get an "amen"? Let's push through this week leaning on each other and finish strong! 

Ted Malefyt 

Visited our program and met with our parent team on Friday morning. He is thrilled with what he discovered just on day one! Ted is eager to walk alongside each of us and support our outdoor living! Thank you for welcoming him so warmly! 

Melanie Beckman

Will be joining our Forest family as Erica's aide in third grade! Welcome, Melanie! 

Jen Allen

Will be moving up to second grade! She's been a powerhouse of heart, faith, love, commitment, essential oil and skill with our kindergarteners! She will be a HUGE blessing to our second graders next year! 

Thank you Charity and Tanya

You two ladies will be so missed. Words cannot express adequately how deeply you have impacted your children but also the big people you have lived beside during your time with us in the Forest! Blessings and joy to both of you as you turn the page and venture to the new places God brings you! THANK YOU for your heart of service! 

Final Chapel

Wednesday at 9:30 we will share our gratitude to our second graders for their leadership and work in Forest School. We will miss them dearly in day to day life on campus next year! Thankfully, they won't be TOO far away. We hope they pop back and visit often! I'll bring a prayer shawl and all of the K-1st grade students will offer a prayer over our rising third graders and we will sing "The Blessing" over them. God is going to impact the world in GREAT ways thanks to their developing heart and skill! 

Running Records

Please pass the final running record on to next year's teacher. Our data sheets should be updated with their final INDEPENDENT reading level as well. That feels weird to input their independent level. Talk to me about that if you'd like details on the 'why'. 

2nd Grade

1st Grade


Report Cards/MAP Reports

Your report cards and MAP reports will be printed and sealed for you. I'll bring them your way with a boxed lunch on Friday morning! 

Friday Dismissal

We all dismiss at 11:30. Half day dismissals go a little bonkers sometimes because we're all done at the same time. Thanks for the grace and traffic patience to help the year end with a smile! 

Summer Playdates

If you haven't already, would you please invite me to the get togethers you plan to hold with your families? I'd love to try to attend some of them to build relationships as well! 

Thank you! 

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Summer Glow

My dear friends. We have made it to summertime. I don't know how to adequately share my deep gratitude for your service this year. As we...